This site is dedicated to the female form, specifically, to the busty woman. Whether a BBW, voluptuous, slim and stacked or anywhere in between, this blog is a celebration of the bountifully endowed...a place where I fully indulge my breast fetish and invite others to do the same...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Although breast obsessed, our erstwhile hero Dean nevertheless enjoys venturing "south of the border." Arriba!!!
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Monday, October 18, 2010
Dean's Bedroom Gallery: where Dean likes to hangout...
Dean's bedroom gallery...this is a collection, more like an ongoing photo and video journal, where I document the women currently on my mind...yes, the girls I fantasize about. Sometimes, a busty beauty will so inspire me, i.e. that is Deanese for making him horny over and over, to write a pornographic short story or novella based that particular woman.
Somtimes, I feature a photo of her as my wallpaper for a few days or so..carry her around in my cell phone, etc...
So, let's see...who have I been fantasizing about the last few days...hmmm...let me just go through my bedroom gallery and see...hmmm...oh yes, let's start with Hitomi Tanaka...

Somtimes, I feature a photo of her as my wallpaper for a few days or so..carry her around in my cell phone, etc...
So, let's see...who have I been fantasizing about the last few days...hmmm...let me just go through my bedroom gallery and see...hmmm...oh yes, let's start with Hitomi Tanaka...
...Hitomi loved it when Dean bought her little gifts...but it confused her when he would buy her bikini swim suits...she thought it such a waste of money...
...because when they went away for a weekend at his beach house...she only got to wear the bathing suit for a few minutes...
I have written elsewhere on this blog of my fondness for the Japanese gravure models, especially of course the busty their dimunitive size, big eyes, and big tits...Hitomi is simply adorable looking...I love the above photos...the camera captures her in all her "sweet young thing" cuteness...
...Hitomi loved being at his place when Dean came home from work...he always had sooo much on his mind, closing the deals, meeting his employee's payroll, the meetings come up...she liked being there to help him take his mind off business...
...yes...she liked helping him relax...and before long--all those things Dean had on his mind? Well, before long...Hitomi had helped Dean narrow the list of several things on his mind to two...
...well...maybe three or four things....
In addition to a gorgeous set of huge honeys, her sweet face and oh so soft looking skin, she has a delightful looking rump. Since she has moved into porn, I have to say she is not necessarily my favorite sex star. I think there still is something of a amatuerish quality to much of Japanese porn, although here I admit to only a limited exposure to, while I love listening to a woman being pleasured, to a woman in full blown heat, there is something a bit off putting about Hitomi's constant and persistent's a bit high pitched and I sometimes find myself turning down the sound...but she is still a great source of fantasy material...
I like to imagaine her being at my beck and lay around girl for a weekend of sex and sex and more sex...the thought of getting serviced by such a little doll of a woman is sooo exciting for me...
...even after being one of Dean's steady bed buddies...she often still found herself a bit amazed at Dean's incredible seemed it wanted it all the time!!!
...not that she complained...afterall, even in the heat of his lust, caught up in his drive, lost in his lust..he made sure was pleasured...
...but what amazed her even more than Dean's demanding libido was...well, her demanding often she had said Dean as he laid back after a torrid session...unh unh big guy, we're not done yet...
Ahhh...that, even though I don't find her videos all that engrossing because of their less refined direction and editing...I still love watching her getting it put to her, and, well, I love watching her huge honeys hop and flop...swing and sway...
The idea of being able to lay her back...spread her legs and leer down onto her titties pancaked out to the side...looming over her while working on my cock...anticipating the sheer joy of slipping inside her..laying down on all that petite yet big boobed body...then finally enjoying that exquisite moment of actually slipping inside her and she squints and gasps and runs her hands over my back and just starting to happily hump nice...yes..the thought of simply spacing out on top of that petite yet oh so outrageously bosomed body and pumping us both to the point where pulsing throbs of pleasure send us into paroxysms of mind blowing climax...
Let's see here...who else have I been fantasizing about lately...oh yes...Anya, otherwise known as Busty Merilyn...yes, needed a little slim and stacked material to look at during the past day or so...
...well, it didn't take too long before both Anya and Dean realized they had made a tremendous mistake agreeing to spend the holidays at her parent's home in central Europe..there were children of all ages everywhere...why...Anya and Dean had to share a bedroom with two of her nieces... two days Anya could tell that Dean was in a world of hurt...even her aunts and the more observant cousins noted the bulge in Dean's pants...giggling among for Dean...he ached...and ached for some touch of Anya...he would stare at her tightly sweatered titties and moan...and groan...he was watch her walk around the house...and moan...and groan...
...sooo, on the third day, Anya decided to invite Dean to take a walk with they could be alone....but Dean demurred...hell, he had moved to Houston Texas just to get away from the cold...but she flashed him a little of joys to the woods of course....
...but Anya..even though she was a bit concerned abut being caught by her relatives and neighbors...still sought to entice Dean...she too had been in a state of heat for three days...she needed some touch from Dean as well...
...yes, he bitched a bit about the cold...but only for a moment or two...
...and even though he had warned her that the cold might...well, shrink his manhood a bit...that didn't seem to be the fact, Dean seemed intent on really getting caught up on his sex with Anya...
...but after the second or third time...Anys decided the grass was getting a little she asked Dean if they could change positions...
...yes, they could hear the nieces and nephews laughing and giggling on the other side of the hill...but dammit, she was so damned horny...and Dean suddenly was very interested in a different position..., for the third time that afternoon, Dean found himself peeling off Anya's jeans...

...third of six times..when they finally returned to her parent's house...Dean did appear to all a little more relaxed...he even played hide and seek with the nieces and nephews and helped fix breakfast the next morning...whistling a tune...
Let me say a word here about my previous blog about her demonstrates, when she wears makeup she is quite simply a gorgeous woman...but I really like her without all the accoutrements...I love the above series of shows her in all her natural appeal...Anya us not beautiful in any classical sense but she is sexy as hell...and, well, take a look at the 4th photo from the that a great shot of a greast set of titties or what? They are huge on that slim frame of hers...they hang so nicely...and to the thought of handling them, fondling them and felling them...making naughty time with them...let me say...I'm typing write now with one hand right now...
I really like the last three photos...I could stare at her heavy hanging hooters for--uh, well a long time, just thinking of her roaming them over me, stroking over my body-giving special attention to those key locales, ooooh...back to typing with one hand...
Now...I've fantasized about the petite bodied yet amply bosomed Hitomi and the slim and stacked Anya...well...I soon felt the need to view a lush bodied woamn...more on the voluptuous side...and soon settled on Maria Moore...
No breastman worth the moniker can ignore a woman like Maria Moore...that plusy=h body...those wonderful wobblers...that fleshy ass...that mischeivous look she gives the a woman...what a lotta woman...
Maria called Dean early Monday morning in a seems her co-star in her latest porn venture..."Private Dick" had come down with a bad case of flu...and her director Fast Eddie refused to reschdule the shoot...he--being the famous porn movie director that he thought himself to be--could not be troubled to change his precious excited as Dean was to be asked to "cum" in at the last moment...he knew of Eddie's reputation as a quirky, difficult man to work Dean at first declined...but Maria proved to be very, very, persuasive...
...for Dean, the most difficult part of working on one of Fast Eddie's movie sets was his annoying habit of talking during the shoot...but Dean..being the pro he was, pressed on through scene after scen with Maria...really getting into the role...
...and, there were those times when Maria would give the director Fast Eddie that look that told him...don't you dare say anything..don't you dare interrupt with your silly comments or directions...because Dean is doing just fine, just fine indeed...
...and even though had a great time during the day long was exhausting...not only was Fast Eddie a detail oriented director...he was a, for him, the climax of the movie proved to be the most diffcult to perform to satisfy the temperamental director...the first, the second and even third money wasn't good enough for Fast Eddie...but by the fifth one, the director was able to decide the movie would "cum" out good once all his comments, silly laughter, and all around goofiness was edited out...
That body of her, and her obvious enjoyment of sex all to make her one of the best porn starsa around to watch...the notion of being able to grab and grope over all that lush female terrain is sooo exciting to, I love to hear her little love moans and groans as she is being pleasured...and the way she usually goes after the guy's cock leads me to believe she truly is one of those wonderful women who love oral sex...and happen to be good at it!!!
Well, that's it for today...hope you all enjoyed this entry as much as I enjoyed entering it...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Dainty feet tap, fingernails drum impatiently, sighs of exasperation...waiting for Dean...
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Friday, October 8, 2010
When Dean is feeling is how he re "cooper" ates...
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Dean asks an "intriguing" question: If you could have only one--that's right, only one--woman to play with for the rest of your life, who would it be?
It's a little game I play when I have some time to view photos and video clips of my favorite busty models/actresses. Like this morning...I've taken the day off...I'm horny, as usual, and my FWB is out of town...sigh. What's a guy to do!!! Well, I play my little game.
Here are the rules. If you could have one and only one woman to get naked with, to romp around with, frolicking and fucking on a whim, any time you wanted--but she would be the only one--who would you choose? Well, as a committed breastman, something of a sex addict, the answer varies from time to time, however, there are a few women I come back to--yes, "come" is the operative word here.
In recent fact, in recent months...I have found myself, not to put too fine a point on it and forgive the double entendre, intrigued by Miss Intrigue. Before I go any further, I have to absolutely and without qualification recommend her site,
So, for today...well, truth be told, for the last several days, the answer to my little question is...Miss Intrigue. Let me show you why...
Here are the rules. If you could have one and only one woman to get naked with, to romp around with, frolicking and fucking on a whim, any time you wanted--but she would be the only one--who would you choose? Well, as a committed breastman, something of a sex addict, the answer varies from time to time, however, there are a few women I come back to--yes, "come" is the operative word here.
In recent fact, in recent months...I have found myself, not to put too fine a point on it and forgive the double entendre, intrigued by Miss Intrigue. Before I go any further, I have to absolutely and without qualification recommend her site,
So, for today...well, truth be told, for the last several days, the answer to my little question is...Miss Intrigue. Let me show you why...
...oh the things she did to get Dean's attention...
I do not normally subscribe to sites dedicated to or run by one model. The last one I joined was Wifey's World which was a lot of fun. But I am now a dedicated fan of Miss Intrigue. Following the Wifey motif, we get to watch her and her guy play, romp and rut. Now, there is the added feature where she allows fans to video and photo them as they frolic. My fellow boob man Smoothie Luv recently posted a photo of one of her fans enjoying the touch, taste and feel of her fantastic breasts, so evidently there is some direct contact allowed.
Sadly, Miss Intrigue is based in the UK and the likelihood I will ever enjoy such favors is very remote.
...but her method always worked...yes, regardless of what Dean was doing, talking on the phone, e-mailing..closing a big deal...watching football..yep, her method always worked...
Her site is indeed an amateur effort and therein rests some of its are two people who obviously enjoy sex and have decided to share their experiences on the internet...most of my readers have probably seen some photos and video clips of her, so you know that her face is obscured. I understand her reticence to reveal her identity, but on occasion we catch sight of her chin, a cheek...and I have concluded that in addition to a fantastic body, she must have a very pretty face.
....just when Dean thought they were finished with their frolicking for the afternoon..she would, well, persuade him otherwise....
In addition to not being able to see her pretty face, I have only one criticism of her site...the sound quality isn't as good as I would prefer...In addition to a passion for watching busty women in action, I also am very auditory and love listening to women being pleasured...and when Miss Intrigue can be heard, oh her moans and groans of ecstacy are sooooo exciting to hear....
Now, take a good look at the above that not a nice, oh so nice, spread? Those are such sweet looking big naturals...her legs spread...there is the epitome of a sexual being...a woman in heat and a woman ready for
...when Miss Intrigue tried her hand at real estate...frankly, she had a difficult time at first...but she soon developed an interesting technique that baffled her fellow real estate agents...
...yes, it seems her method which, by the way, she never shared with her fellow agents resulted in her showing more properties that anyone else in the office...yes, Miss Intrigue seemed to show house after house after house...
...but of course, being successful in real estate is not only about showing a lot of also had to be able to close the deal...well, Miss Intrigue also had mastered the ability to close the deal after the other...
Once you visit her site, you will see...this is a natural, oh so natural beauty--a real woaman and a dream girl all in one. Now...while I love looking at, leering at, the Leanne Crowe, Denise Milani type woman...Miss Intrigue has become a star in my fantasy world.
As an aside, I love the above I often say, while not all buttmen are breastmen, all breastmen ARE buttmen...she has a gorgeous, oh so gorgeous--as the Brits say, bum....oh how I would love to be back there, making those huge honeys swing and sway...
...even the two of them had to, on occasion, take a break from their sexual exertions...Dean would get up and freshen their drinks...return a phone call or two...
...but when she was ready for more...well, you get the picture...
...of course, when Dean was ready for more...well...some things just can't be hidden...
Just look at that body...first, I love the way her tits hang. I have a couple rules of thumb to define a big busted woman...and it has little to do with cup size--although her J-cup size cannot be dismissed as a qualifying characteristic....but, if you can see the big beauties around the side when her back is turned to you--she's a big tittied girl. If your hand is totally obscured when you slip it up under her breast--she's a big tittied girl. Miss Intrigue easily qualifies--she's a big tittied girl.
Okay, okay...forgive me for stating the obvious..
I am in the process of adding to my collection of videos and photos of Miss Intrigue and will post more in the future...but once more, I have to recommend her site...this is a special lady...a breastman's delight to look at, leer at...and as a final note...the guy that gets to be with her is one lucky man...
A final thought...
...sometimes,. after hours and hours of fun, Dean had to chuckle at the way she subtly hinted, One more time?...
There a number of measures by which I answer the question in my little game...if I could have one and only one woman with which to play might be how many times I "get happy" while watching a standard length video clip of quickly I'm aroused when I see her nude body, or how often I think about her during my any measure, Miss Intrigue stands out--pun intended--by making me stand out--pun intended...
As I always say to my favorite big bust ladies..and I say here to Miss Intrigue, thanks for the thrills....
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