...Claire had to laugh...every time she came out of the water to rejoin Dean on the beach...he had the same, er, physical reaction...
...after reading the first few pages of Dean's blockbuster book, Globe Trekker: Memoirs of a Traveling Breastman...she thought, I've GOT to meet this guy...
...after reading the first few pages of Dean's blockbuster book, Globe Trekker: Memoirs of a Traveling Breastman...she thought, I've GOT to meet this guy...
...Knowing that Dean was such an avid breastman...she had been at first reluctant to go along with her two other friends to join Dean at the local clothing optional beach...she was a bit afraid he might not like her breasts...but as he lay there chatting with her, openly staring at them, she knew she needn't have worried...not even the beach towel could hide Dean's approval of her breasts...
...she thought, while smiling to herself, my goodness here comes that Dean for some more...the only way I am EVER going to get a tan on this vactaion is if we do it outside...
...frankly, they both were a bit embarrassed...Dean was the only man on the entire stretch of the nudist beach walking around with a raging hardon...so, every so often she would lead Dean off to a secluded spot so they could, well, take care of the problem...that usually helped for about thirty minutes or so, and then they would return to their special place...but all in all, it was a great day at the beach...

....the second day of her vacation she saw Dean walking down the beach...she remembered sitting at the hotel bar the previous evening as two other women pointed him out to her and related their respecitive sexual encounters with him...
...well...she thought...if half of what they said about him was true...hmmm....
...when Mitzi saw him go to the outdoor cabana bar and order a drink...she decided to make her move...
As is happens...unbeknownst to Mitzi, Keri saw Dean walking down the beach the same time...Keri also had overheard the same two women that morning talking in one of the hotel's shops about Dean...she mused, well, if half of what they said about him was true...hmmm.
Keri had become so intrigued by the story she heard, that she had one of the hotel staff point Dean out to her...and lo, there he was walking down the beach...
...when she saw Dean head for the outdoor cabana bar and order a drink...she decided to make her move...needless to say, Dean had a great afternoon, and evening and night and morning...
...for two days of her vacation, she had been trying to lure Dean up to her room...finally, she hit upon the right way to truly get his attention...
...the girls had sooo been looking forward to Dean's visit to their island paradise...
...as he disembarked from his sailboat, "Bustin' Out," they all five greeted him effusively...
The girls immediately decided they should play their usual game to determine the order in which they would be with Dean for the weekend...they instructed Dean to walk down the beach about a quarter of a mile...
The game played out as follows: It required a little race and the girls would be with Dean in the order they reached him...at first, it seemed that Lorna might win...with Terry coming in a close second...frankly, as Dean sat in the shade of a palm tree, sipping his strawberry daquiri he emitted a great sigh of relief...he had remembered to pack his vitamins....
...well, as it happens, Gianna reached Dean first...thus the order was set for all five girls...the rule being that each girl in turn would spend an hour so with Dean...giving him a little rest in between, then the next and so on...then they would start all over!!!...that first hour with Gianna set the tone for the rest of the weekend...Dean knew her shrieks and yelps of pleasure could easily be heard through the thatch walls of the hut...good thing this stretch of the beach was deserted, Dean thought...
...Christy came next...and oh how she came...and came, and came...
...after listening to Dean pleasure Gianna and then Christy, by the time it came to be her turn, Lorna was in quite a state of sexual agitation...
...being fourth...Terry had to work a little harder...to make Dean a little harder...but she worked it all out...quite well actually...during her allotted hour she worked it out three times!!! As she left the hut...Dean popped some more vitamins...and wondered..damn, this is just the first afternoon...will I make it!!!
...watching each of the girls exit Dean's hut with that post coital glow...with those sloe-eyed expressions of bliss...dazed into a mild stupor by the sexual heights to which Dean had taken them...Angela entered Dean's hut swearing that next week she would begin jogging...never again would she come in last in the race for Dean...
...yes...Dean had been concerned if he would survive that first day...if he would be able to continue to pleasure the girls throughout the weekend...but on Monday morning, his day of departure...he knew everyone had had a great time...yes, the girls gave him quite a sendoff...
...oh, the things she would do to entice Dean into the pool with her...

...Dean couldn't help looking over his shoulder to the pile of clothes on the beach...recalling her baggy sweat pants and the oversized blouse she usually kept buttoned up to her neck...oh how glad he was that he had overcome his initial urge to say no to going skinny dipping with her...
...in spite of himself...Dean gasped when Margie...the one on the far left, told Dean that she couldn't go up to his room alone...that her and her girlfriends were on vacation and had agreed at the outset to do everything together...would it be alright if all three came up to his room...that's when he decided he needed to upgrade to a suite...
...she had to marvel a bit at Dean...with her other male friends the cool water made it shrink...but not with this guy Dean...no sirree....
...she was tired...each time she asked Dean to spread sunscreen over her--well, he would get a little excited..and, you know...so after the third time of asking Dean to apply the lotion to her body...she really did need a nap...
...she admitted she had to marvel a bit at Dean...with her other male friends the cool water made it shrink...but not with this guy Dean...nope, not at all...
...the thing she liked about her new boyfriend Dean was that he was an open book...you always knew what was on his mind...
...she had agreed to go to the beach with three of her closest girlfriends...but she couldn't stop thinking about Dean...everything reminded her of him...when she looked at her legs...she thought of how good they felt wrapped around him...either his waist or his head...
...when she got on her hands and knees to adjust her towel...she could almost feel his hands on her hips...his hands roaming, groping greedily over her bottom...
...when she looked down at her tits...well...she could almost feel his strong, hard manhood right in between them...she could feel the warmth of his release upon them...yes...by the time the girls were packing up for the trip home...she was on her cell phone trying to track down Dean...she wanted soooo much to tell him about her day at the beach...