...yes, September had to admit, it was embarrassingly true...whenever she saw Dean she, well, simply could not contain her enthusiasm...
Remember, on this site, it's Dean's world; dedicated to expressing my fantasy life involving my favorite big tittied women...no offense is EVER intended. I am--and hope the erstwhile reader and viewer is as well--on here for fun!
I haven't posted in such a long time, since May...been so busy with work, keeping my kids in college, buying a new party pad, attending to my two busty bed buddies...whew...thank God for testosterone therapy!!!!
Not long ago, I was visting a buddy of mine and during the course of our beer drinking and potato chip eating orgy, we played a little game of "Who's Tits Are These?" He would flash a set large lovelies--just the tits--on the screen of his laptop and my job was to guess to whom the big beauties belonged...well, I am proud to say that of the twenty sets, yes, forty breasts, I knew and was able to accurately identify the lovely model to whom 19 sets belonged--yes, thats 38 tits I recognized.
As you might imagine, my friend was quite impressed. However, the one set of lovelies I was not able to immediately identify belonged to the exquisitely endowed, the bountifully bosomed September Carrino.
I couldn't believe I had missed a perfect score by failing to recognize the perfect hangers of September.
Well, obviously I needed a refresher visit to September Carrino's official site at http://septembercarrino.com/. She also has a number of great layouts on the Pinupfiles. Leering over her body--with the associated naughty boy activities--inspired today's blog entry.
As usual, this post was delayed because in my pouring over the delicious looking body of September, I became repeatedly distracted.
Also, as usual, the captions in italics beneath each photo and video is a part of my little fantasy--Dean's world remember?
And, the asterisks indicate each time I actually did succumb to distraction...enjoy!
...she had indeed wondered at Dean's discipline...at times fearful that he was losing interest in her...afterall, they had played in the pool for almost an hour without him ever really reaching for her...then, she would later recall in exquisitely explicit detail when they had finally come inside the house how Dean had delightfully suprised her with his lust and need....*
How beautiful they are...wonderfully proportioned and with some great camera work and expert lighting, those goregous tits are so nicely hightlighted...
...September continued her revery...after that sweet encounter when they had swam, drank a Pina Colada or two, chatted and flirted and then came into the house where Dean had--as she often termed it--taken his pleasure...Dean had been both so exuberant and thorough in his attentions to her...oh, she mused, the things Dean could do with his hands, his tongue, his cock...although he had been gone only a few minutes--what?--ten, fifteen minutes? Her body yearned for him...Yes, September ached for the play of his deft, gifted fingers over her breasts, the feather light feel of his breath along her neck and the dance of his tongue between her legs...*
This is an irresitble pose for me...here, we see her huge honeys in all their natural beuty as they glde to the side...what a rich, heavy looking set of titties...
...when they finally paused in their frenetic frolicking, as Dean had donned pants and shirt, September had looked at the clock and been amazed at just how long they had been engaged in their raucous rutting--she had tried to entice him back to bed...September knew just how to taunt and tease Dean...but he insisted there were a "couple of things" he needed to tend to...
...so, September sat there in the late glow of the afternoon, needing more of him...pining for his heavy, needy thrusts and desparate drives into her, as well as his tender tasting of her, how he played her with his hands making melody with her wantoness, and oh howhe plased her with his cock...and, yes, September sighed...thank God Dean had only gone to the corner store for some bread and butter...*
This tit man for one could simply stare at those big beauties all day...of course, there are other things I would love to do to them....so very, very, very lovely....
...it was a little game they played...September tried to see how many times she could make Dean moan and whimper....*...*
One of my all time things to view is that lush titty tumble...I love this clip...
...September recalled the first time she met Dean...after months and months of Dean calling and going through mutual friends as intermediaries to persuade her to say yes to a date, September finally relented...September had to admit...she had heard a lot about Dean...his sexual prowess was somewhat legendary...by all accounts he was an incorrigible tit man..and a charmer indeed..Jordan Carver, Jana Defi, Anya Zerkova, Miriam Gonzalez among others seemed quite taken with Dean...and so, September was certainly curious...
...yet, September was determined not to be just another one of Dean's conquests...she was expecting him to truly attempt to woo her, to serve up an evening of the most expensive dining with soft candelight, Dom Perignon, picture perfect presnetations of food followed by lavish clubbing and after hours entertainment......
yet, when Dean picked her up in his sporty 1969 lipstick red Mustang convertible--him wearing a tasteful but casual sport coat, chinos and deck shoes sans socks--she was a bit surprised....
Dean took her to a little harbor side restaurant that he explained belonged to an old high school buddy...there, in a rustic room cluttered with the usual seaside paraphenalia, overlooking the black water of the bay, with the backdrop of fog horns and the rattle of rigging, they drank beer out of the bottle and ate some of the best lobster she had ever eaten...
...what September found most disconcerting was that not once throughout the entire evening did Dean ever look at her deep, rich cleavage and her strategically situated breasts....

...further, throughout the evening...he listened to her...Dean commented thoughtfully on her opinions...while he was politely solicitous...he was not overbearing and was seemingly unconcerned whether or not the evening would progress beyond their pleasant conversation....needless to say, September was perplexed...
Jordan had reveled in relating the sexual antics that she had shared with Dean...
Jana, when asked about Dean, simply got a very dreamy look in her eyes and the abruptly said, "Fuck, that reminds me, I need to buy more vitamins."
Maggie Green, when asked, had offered, "Well, baby, you hook up with Dean and you will save tons on batteries..."
And Rachel Aldana, when asked about Dean had, at first, smiled and merely whispered, "Oh that Dean..." And then she had given September a menacing look, "You stay the fuck away from him...he's mine!"
...but on this balmy evening...as his high school buddy brought them more beers in the bottle and baskets of conch fritters...Dean seemed so, so...well, she couldn't put it into words...relaxed...confident...maybe, she thought, Dean has so many big titted girls available that he didn't need her...for some reason, this conclusion concerned her, actually, truth be told, it pissed her off...September sipped her drink and planned--no, she would admit to herself later, she plotted.....
...so, when they pulled up in front of her apartment building, September invited Dean up for a night cap...to her absolute amazement, Dean declined.
She simply couldn't believe it...first off, September thought, there was no way that she could tell her friends, Jana, Joran and the others that she had failed to seduce the reputed Breatman Extraordinaire...she would never live that down...
...so, September leaned into Dean and said, "I have a camera upstairs...I could, uh, give you something special to remember our evening by...make a little disk for you to take home...a memento of, and here she giggled, of mammaries...they both laughed at her cleverness..
...Dean seemed to ponder the proposition..."Well, okay. But I wouldn't want to impose..."
As they both walked into her building, Dean moving behind September, they both smiled. September thought, well, that's not all I'm going to give him to remember this night by...Damned if Joran and Jana and Maggie and Sara and Miriam and all those others are going to have all the fun..."
...for his part, Dean thought, "I really am a cad...this ploy works every time...."
....Maggie Green always had great poolside parties...and of course she had invited so many of the pin up file girls...there were also going to be a few guys...but the big draw for September was that Dean had promised Maggie to show up...
...since her first and only date with Dean, which after they had arrived at her place had actually lasted two nights and three days in total nude abandon, September had not heard from Dean...while she found this troubling she did know that Dean had been out of the country on business....
...so, September did not hide her joy at seeing Dean after a few weeks of silence from him...and while she noticed that Dean had a distinct, profound and prominent erection bulging in his swim trunks she could not be certain if such a physical manifestation was aimed at her--so to speak--or at the other girls bounding about the pool in various states of attire....
...while it was long before the party was to move into its rowdy, naughty state...that is, people were still dressed--mostly--and conversation was polite...September could tell that Dean was "surveying the scene."
September knew that Dean had been with a number of women who were gathered around the pool...but there were also several women whom she knew Dean would regard as new territory...
..so September was quick to remind Dean of their wonderful date of several weeks ago...*
Oh, those tits, those tits, those tits..
...and, much to her delight...September noticed that Dean did indeed remember...he didn't have to say anything at all...she could simply tell...yep, Dean remembered...*
In additon to an wonderful set of wobbling wonders, September has a cute face and she is almost always smiling or at least expressing her sense of having fun showing off "the girls."
...still, when she had learned that Dean was going to attend Maggie's party, a party that usually extended throughout the weekend, September decided she really didn't want to share Dean...but even though he seemed to truly and fondly remember their time together, it was clear that Dean also found a number of the other big boobed women arrayed around the pool as both attractive and as potential partners for the weekend...she was worried...
...the custom was, as these parties progressed, for the guests to "stakeout" territory for the weekend...there were the three upstairs bedrooms, the guest bedroom downstairs. There was the pull out bed in the den and the pull out couch in the study....
...well, September laid claim to the pool house...with its summer bed, wetbar, its shower and proximity to the pool for those 3 in the morning skinny dips...*
I love her full body nude shots...her slim and stacked form is so exciting to view...her lovely skin...
...in addition, September thought she was being so very clever...she had found Dean's overnight bag among all the others in the front room...well, she stored that in the pool house...carefully hiding it in a closet....then, September went to the main bar in the house and retrieved a bottle of Knob Creek bourbon--Dean's favorite. She got a lot of towels--for she had learned that Dean tended to, well, make some mightily impressive, uh, "man messes."
Oh goodness....

...content with her preparations...September settled in to wait for Dean...for the party in its initial, more tame stages to wind down...*
...finally, as evening began to settle and the din of the party began to subside, September heard a little tap on the door to the pool house...it was Dean, "Uh, September, it's, uh me Dean. I'm uh, looking for my travel bag. I don't suppose you've seen it?"
...to which September replied, "Oh Dean...yes, come on in honey. I think I have what you're looking for..."
Oh my...had a little fantasy of "whiting out" that tattoo...*, okay, two fantasies...*
...yes, it indeed turned out to be a great party...although it started on a Friday, and even though Maggie wanted to be a good hostess and didn't want to be perceived as a prude, by Tuesday she did hove to ask September and Dean to leave--her cleaning crew really needed to have access to the pool house...*
Again, I have to say it...those tits, those tits, those tits...while I failed to recognize those large lovelies in the "Who's Tits Are These?" game with my drinking buddy...that will not happen again...